Be on the lookout for insects! - DF Seeds

Be on the lookout for insects!

June 10, 2024

Insect populations on the rise

While we all enjoyed the warmer-than-normal temperatures in January and February, our crops may be affected by them for the rest of the season. Those bitter temperatures we typically receive, but don’t always enjoy, benefit us by reducing insect populations over the winter. Additionally, this spring, some growers were able to plant earlier than normal. This unique combination has resulted in reports of seed corn maggot, alfalfa weevil, armyworms and slugs at higher-than-normal levels earlier this spring.

Depending on your situation, evaluate your crops for the following:

-crops are a week or two ahead of “average”

-higher annual weed pressure

-increased cover crop acres and may be more persistent on your fields

-added manure applications

-more reduced tillage

All these circumstances can create a favorable environment for insects. Be vigilant with your crops this year and get out of the truck to scout. There is often higher pressure on the edges of the fields for insects moving into a certain area. However, some of the environments listed above may be out in the field further and within different microclimates based on the soils and plant growth. An ounce of prevention (and scouting time) will be worth a lot of bushels in the bin in the end.

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