Late season soybean diseases - DF Seeds

Late season soybean diseases

September 6, 2024

Soybean diseases are showing up across Michigan.

Everywhere you drive, you can see the different soybean varieties from the road. Some early season varieties are starting to mature, but other varieties are yellowing because of several diseases.

Each year the weather is slightly different and that adjusts the disease triangle for soybean farmers. The disease triangle refers to the three items needed for disease to occur, including the host (soybeans), the pathogen or disease, and the specific environmental conditions ideal for the disease. Every year the environmental component changes, impacting which disease, if any, we see in the fields.

DF Seeds screens our soybean varieties for White Mold and Sudden Death Syndrome. We also consider Phytophthora Root Rot and Brown Stem Rot resistance as factors before bringing a variety into our lineup. These are the most common diseases we have seen in Michigan in most years.

Rarely seen diseases on the rise.

This year we are seeing some viruses, like Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus and Downy Mildew. These are two diseases are rarely seen in Michigan. Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus is brought on by soybean thrips and has little impact on yield as it comes it late in the season.


Soybean Vein Necrosis Virus


Downy Mildew infections are caused by a fungus and appear on the tops of leaves. This disease rarely causes severe crop damage either.

Downy Mildew

To better manage these various soybean diseases, crop rotation is a key factor in reducing the population of the fungi or insects that cause disease. Planting wheat this year is another step in managing your soybean disease infestations for the future. DF Seeds will continue to evaluate the disease resistance of each variety, but as the weather changes, we can’t predict which disease will be an issue in 2025.

As always, reach out to your DF Seeds DSM or dealer for agronomic support. We are also happy to make variety recommendations to help limited these disease impacts on your farm.

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