Growers Edge
By Darren Kulicamp | April 27, 2022
Spring planting is upon us, with the seed in the shed and equipment ready to go. We’ve previously discussed considerations for alfalfa stand establishment – from selecting the correct alfalfa variety for your acre to key practices in preparing the field. While we are coming down to the wire and hope to have everything in place it is not too late to think about doing a side-by-side comparison if Legacy alfalfa is not what you’ve got on hand.
DF Seeds has partnered with Growers Edge on a side-by-side program to relieve you of the task of managing the data involved with testing and verifying the results of a new variety on your farm. This Growers Edge challenge requires planting 20 acres of Legacy Seeds Brand Alfalfa next to 20 acres of a competitive variety. When the time comes for the first harvest, the grower will contact DF Seeds Feed and Forage Specialist one day prior to cutting to take samples of each variety, measuring yield and sending to Dairyland Labs for quality analysis. Growers Edge acts as a third party, managing the data for the grower. At the end of the season if Legacy Seeds Brand Alfalfa does not outperform the competitor on milk per acre DF Seeds will pay the grower $30 per acre. Qualified varieties for the program include L-457 HD+ and L-470 HD.
DF Seeds has plenty of alfalfa in stock ready to go in your field. Contact DF Seeds Feed and Forage Specialist Darren Kulicamp with any questions on this program, or to get enrolled today!