DF Seeds Dealer Winter Agronomy Meeting
AgroLiquid Conference Center 3055 W. M-21, St. JohnsForage Insights – 9:00 AM Agronomy Insights – 10:00 AM Lunch – Noon Adjourn – 2:00 PM Please RSVP so we have an accurate count for lunch.
Forage Insights – 9:00 AM Agronomy Insights – 10:00 AM Lunch – Noon Adjourn – 2:00 PM Please RSVP so we have an accurate count for lunch.
John Diehl started the Best of the Best (BOB) soybean plots. We are continuing his legacy. Our competitors were invited to enter the plot and compare their products to the DF Seeds soybeans and Legacy Seeds corn portfolio. We are hosting plot tours at these Best of the Best locations. Come to see the new ...
Harvest is wrapping up, let's talk planting 2024 Join us for the DF Seeds Winter Agronomy Meeting December 14. Gain insights to harvest performance and how to position to win in the spring. Join us December 14, 2023 at the AgroLiquid Headquarters in St. Johns, MI from 9:30 am - 3:00 pm.
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