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Michigan grown

Ty Bodeis

Meet the team at DF Seeds Agriculture is big business in Michigan. It’s a $7.3 billion industry that produces everything from commodity crops to fruits and vegetables. In a state

Great Lakes Crop Summit

Stop by our booth during the Great Lakes Crop Summit, January 26-27, 2022 at the Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort in Mount Pleasant, MI.

DF 6269 N LLGT27 #1 in MSU Central RR Late Trial

Michigan State soybean variety trials are finalized. DF 6269 NLLGT27 is the #1 Roundup Ready® soybean (2.3-3.1 maturity). Not only does DF 6269 NLLGT27 have the top averaged yield but it

DF Seeds invites you to your 2021 Product Performance Update

When: Friday December 17th with a 9:00 am kickoff and concluding with lunch Where: AgroLiquid Conference Center, 3055 W. M-21, St. Johns, MI 48879 Event details: Review the 2021 performance

Life in a time of glyphosate scarcity

Some brands of glyphosate will be in short supply for the near future, as well as glufosinate. These shortages may affect your herbicide decisions for a few seasons. Learn more

Prevent Insect Pressure with Vigilant Scouting

November means the end of the growing season with harvest right around the corner. However, soybean fields still are at risk to some insect pressure that we should be scouting

MSU Extension Virtual Breakfast: White Mold and Tar Spot

The MSU Extension Field Crops Virtual Breakfast on July 22, 2021 focused on tar spot and white mold management options. A video of the entire presentation by Martin Chilvers, MSU

Frank Vyskocil excels to become Michigan Master Farmer

Longtime seed grower and customer of DF Seeds, Frank Vyskocil, becomes the latest to win the prestigious Master Farmer award. Michigan Farmer’s Master Farmer award is bestowed on individuals who

Enlist E3 soybeans approved by China

  Enlist E3 soybeans, jointly developed by Dow Agrosciences and MS Technologies, is finally approved for import by China. Reuters reports the country approved five new genetically modified crops for import for

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