Kayla Pieh, Author at DF Seeds - Page 3 of 3

Kayla Pieh

DF Seeds is here for you in the fight against Phytophthora Root Rot

Most of you have had to deal with phytophthora root rot (PRR) before. It is a disease that we see most years, especially on those heavier, wetter soils and untiled

Winter Alfalfa Management

With winter in full swing, it is the time on the farm when we begin to plan for the coming crop year. For many, it begins with a review of


DF Seeds will have a booth at the 2022 Michigan Dry Bean and Sugar Beet Symposium on February 22. It has a new location this year, the Double Tree in

Michigan Wheat Growers Meeting on February 23

Michigan Wheat Image

DF Seeds has both red and white wheat. Our new DF 271 W is one of the highest yielding white wheats for two years in Michigan. Look at DF 121

DF260 N wins non-GMO category

MI soybean association

DF260 N wins non-GMO category with 2021 MSA Yield Contest.  Check out the 2021 MSA Yield Contest winners here. Luke Gentz from St. Joseph County won the non-GMO category at

The DF Seeds Difference and your non-GMO opportunity

non-GMO field

Soybean growers set a record of $34 Billion of soybeans exported in 2021.   Of all the soybeans raised in the US, only 6% of all the acres are non-GMO

Michigan grown

Ty Bodeis

Meet the team at DF Seeds Agriculture is big business in Michigan. It’s a $7.3 billion industry that produces everything from commodity crops to fruits and vegetables. In a state

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