corn Archives - DF Seeds


Are you worried about Tar Spot?

Tar Spot

You may have heard that this disease has been reported in Michigan. You may have even started seeing this disease in your own fields. If you have not yet scouted

Legacy Seeds is Michigan Proven in F.I.R.S.T. Corn Trials

Corn harvest image

Proven seed for Michigan DF Seeds proudly distributes Legacy Seeds corn.  Michigan Farm News published support for the 2023 corn hybrid performance with FIRST 2023 Michigan Corn Trials.  Legacy Seeds

Best of the Best, 2023 edition

Best of the best plot

John Diehl started the Best of the Best (BOB) soybean plots. We are continuing his legacy. Our competitors were invited to enter the plot and compare their products to the

MSU Extension tips on managing tar spot of corn mid-season

green corn

As Michigan has been receiving more timely moisture events and the summer starts to turn hot and humid, growers need to be scouting for Tar Spot. There are no reports

Excessive Heat Returns to the Plains

drought map

In the 6 to 10-day forecast, excessive heat returns to the south-central U.S. and will put additional stress on crops and animals in the region. Forecasters are concerned that the

Ration Choice® Corn, The Right Corn Silage Hybrids

In the dairy business the fall time of year brings the customary fall slump. While there are many factors involved in this drop in production, feed plays a big role.

Corn Tar Spot

Tar Spot

Tar Spot Corn is beginning to tassel in Michigan, and it is time to begin scouting your corn for Tar Spot. Most places in the state have had tar spot

Corn Early Season Drought Stress

Corn during a drought 2

How Will The Recent Dry Conditions Affect Your Corn Crop? That is a question I’ve been getting lately as rains have been few and far apart. Some fields of corn

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