John, Author at DF Seeds - Page 2 of 3


DF Seed Wheat: high quality products for the unique Michigan climate 


DF Seeds strives to provide high quality products for Michigan farmers. We offer alfalfa, corn, soybeans, and WHEAT. As we are into (and maybe even finishing) harvest, wheat may be

Best of the Best, 2023 edition

Best of the best plot

John Diehl started the Best of the Best (BOB) soybean plots. We are continuing his legacy. Our competitors were invited to enter the plot and compare their products to the

The Impact of Feed Diversity on Dairy Health and Productivity 

Dairy cows eating silage

Diversity in dairy ration is essential for optimizing the nutrition, health, and productivity of dairy herds. Different feed components provide varying nutrient profiles that can be tailored to meet the

MSU Extension tips on managing tar spot of corn mid-season

green corn

As Michigan has been receiving more timely moisture events and the summer starts to turn hot and humid, growers need to be scouting for Tar Spot. There are no reports

Welcome Kathleen Zahm 


Summer Agronomy Intern  We are thrilled to welcome Kathleen Zahm to the team.  Kathleen Zahm is a Junior at Iowa State University majoring in Agricultural Business.   Her passion for agriculture

Planalytics Greenreport: Winter Wheat Yield Forecast

wheat plot 2022

DF Seeds providing optimal quality seed for unique Michigan climate  DF Seeds is constantly researching better varieties for your Michigan farm. Wheat is no exception. We are always looking for

Excessive Heat Returns to the Plains

drought map

In the 6 to 10-day forecast, excessive heat returns to the south-central U.S. and will put additional stress on crops and animals in the region. Forecasters are concerned that the

Michigan Soy Sauce Market Offers a Flexible, Stable Premium Program

ZFS aerial

Next time you’re cooking up a stir fry or sitting down at your favorite Asian restaurant and you go to add some Kikkoman soy sauce to your dish, take a

Michigan Growers non-GMO Weed Control


Michigan growers can get a better return per acre with non-GMO soybeans. DF Seeds varieties offer comparable yields to GMO soybeans. Therefore, the main consideration is the change in how

When to spray fungicide to protect your wheat crop and maximize yield

growth stages in cereals

With some warmth and rain, the wheat in Michigan is growing fast. Soon the flag leaf and head will be emerging, and it will be time for fungicide applications. This

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